New York Is In Crisis

Join Us and Together Let's Save Our City

“New York City is in trouble! Save Our City can help get it back on track with some of the best minds I know." - longest serving NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly

”New Yorkers don’t want ideology. They want a safe ride home on the subway, good schools, and order instead of chaos.” - Fmr. Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey, an organizer of the Committee

About Save Our City


Our Mission

As New York City faces its worst crisis in decade, a bipartisan group of civic minded business people, public policy experts, and community leaders are announcing Save Our City. This is an educational 501c(3) non profit formed to alert the public to the challenges facing New York, and most important, get the public’s input.

Our Message

Decline – the flight of businesses, the exodus of hundreds of thousands of residents, the fiscal mess, the chaos, the shoplifting, the surge in quality of life crimes, and the impact of shelters on surrounding neighborhoods – all these problems can be solved. 

Unfortunately, the recent difficulties facing the Mayor have created a vacuum. Politicians are worried about what job they’ll get next. But the real issues are how to keep jobs in New York and stop the exodus of stores, financial institutions, and other businesses.

The issue isn’t who the next mayor will be, but instead how New York can survive and thrive.



If You Want to be Heard, Take Action

New York is in trouble. We are New Yorkers who want to find solutions. Our safety and security are at stake. Our families’ futures depend on our actions today. Save Our City is a non-partisan, non-profit organization. We love New York and want the City to thrive.

Be Part of the Solution

Many have told us they want to be part of the solution – but they don’t know where to start. Join us if you are concerned about the challenges facing the City, such as: crime, threatened service outs, rats and trash, declining education standards, uncontrolled migrant surge and anti-semitism. Separately, we have no voice – but together we can be impactful, forcing city officials to respond to our proposals.

Start Here & Give Us Your Opinion

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Do you own or rent your home?
Do you have children in public school?

Choose Your Issues

Crime and Anti-Semitism

New Yorkers no longer feel safe, and the Jewish community is under attack.

Budget Deficit / Taxes

City funded spending is up 18.3% since Mayor de Blasio’s final year. Despite NYC’s exodus of businesses. That spells trouble. And with all that spending, the NYPD’s headcount is at an historic low.

Businesses Closing

New York needs to do better at attracting and retaining business. Businesses employ people and contribute tax revenue.


NYC is expected to spend a staggering $39,300 per pupil this school year. But only 59% of elementary students are proficient in reading and only 48% in math. We must do better. We need safe and effective schools.

Maintaining City Services

City services are essential to our communities. Quality of life is directly impacted by cuts in City services. To avoid cuts, NYC must address the cost of sheltering migrants, and tightly manage other spending.

Cost of Illegal Immigration

The city’s policies have made NYC the number one destination for migrants. Over 200,000 have come to NYC since 2022, and over 65,000 are currently sheltered by city taxpayers.


Support Save Our City

Help us make a difference to Save Our City. Every contribution counts!

You can also mail a check to: 

Save Our City

1111 Park Avenue, Unit 13C

New York, NY 10128

All donations are fully tax deductible. 

Funds will be used to support Save Our City outreach, website and events. 

Contact Save Our City

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